Prairie Hearts by Marsden JB

Prairie Hearts by Marsden JB

Author:Marsden, JB
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Sapphire Books Publishing
Published: 2019-08-15T00:00:00+00:00

Independence Day dawned with heat and sun. Only spatters of rain had fallen in a fortnight and Emma frowned at her garden’s drooping leaves. Against her wishes, Carrie, still recovering from her fever, took on hauling water buckets to slake the thirsty vegetables and herbs. Last evening, Emma had nearly shouted at the poor woman, who, she knew, only tried to help. The unrelenting sun made her feel out of sorts, nevertheless she was sorry to bark at poor Carrie.

Carrie left earlier for Moss Creek, only to return for Independence Day events in Locust Hill at midday. Emma worried about her twice-daily ride back and forth along the trace. First, she worried that Laban and the Kickapoo may show their real stripes and become violent. She also worried about Carrie travelling so much, at times running off without a proper breakfast, to get to James and his infernal chores. She didn’t want bad blood with anybody, but resentment built at the hold James and his farm had on Carrie.

Her final concern centered on their relationship. She and Carrie grew closer every night and generally lead the life of a settled couple. Carrie anticipated Emma’s needs, carrying in wood for the cook fire, hauling water, milking in the morn, gathering garden produce with her. They moved around the cabin comfortably as if they’d always lived together. After supper, Emma read to Carrie. Their situation felt comfortable and easy, and Emma loved having Carrie with her in her daily life.

Then there was the love they shared. Each night transformed Carrie into a romantic lover the like of which Emma had never dreamed. They explored. They reveled in each other’s bodies. They cuddled, but they also lusted. Should she feel guilty about their coupling? Did not God give humans the ability to couple and, in doing so, reach heights of pleasure?

Of course, God’s purpose was procreation. Could she be held accountable merely because she and Carrie’s coupling would never result in children? She wondered if that made their love against the commands of God. The Holy Bible spoke only against “men lying with one another as with a woman.” Mr. Wentz understood holy scripture, but she wasn’t inclined to ask him whether God approved of her love for Carrie. Her love was private, a world where only they two lived. She’d never jeopardize their time together by talking of it with others.

As their love grew daily, a small sliver of dissatisfaction reared its head. Emma found it harder to let Carrie go in the morns. Her words from earlier that morn filled her mind.

“Darling, my sweet. Don’t go quite yet.” Emma hugged Carrie tightly to her bosom.

“Emma, honey, you know the chores at Moss Creek call me. I’ll see you anon at the picnic.”

Emma snuggled into Carrie’s neck, pecked it, using her wiles.

“Honey, we must stop.” Carrie chuckled. “You’re like the siren leading me to the rocks. Do I need to tie myself to a ship mast?”

Emma had been reading The Odyssey to Carrie in the candlelight of an evening for the last week.


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